Q1: Why would you ever put this website together are you weird or what?
first of all I don't like the connotations of the word "weird." I
rather describe my behavior as "out of the ordinary". Why the
website? well I reached the age of 75 and wanted to document my thoughts
on things. I don't know maybe it's a legacy thing or maybe it's a
vanity issue. Or just maybe I'm giving people ideas on what
to write in my Obituary. I really don't know why. It just appeared to be
the right thing to do at this time in my life. Or maybe I am looking for
my Borelli moment.
However what I do
know is that people can forget what you said or what you did, but not what you write.
There are successful people out there that are open to bearing their
soul. One that does this better than most people is Neil Diamond. You
can be entertained by his music but you will miss what comes from his
soul if you don't listen to his lyrics. Having never met Neil
Diamond I would not be surprised that his life would not be too
different then his words.
So for me, if Ithis is my place
where I can speak from my soul, then here is where I will be. And if the
time is now to do this website, then at the age of 75, it had to come together.
just maybe, as you stated, I
am, just weird.